Finns det forskning på min ADHD COACH-utbildning?

Ja massor, varsågod:

(Jag fyller på underrubrikerna så snart jag har tid. Men du ser i alla fall vad som komma skall. Släpper ut inlägget ofärdigt så har du lite att börja med. Jag ska så småning om göra en sammanfattande rubrik till var och en, men så läge har du i alla fall tillgång till underlaget.)

Men först:

Att bygga vetenskap

Lind (2017) belyser att det inte finns forskning som visar den fullständiga bilden. Helheten får du i stället genom att sammanfatta flera olika forskningsresultat. Han fortsätter med att en studie fungerar som en pusselbit och att vår vetenskapliga kunskap byggs ihop av många studier som tillsammans bildar pusslet/ helhetsbilden. Detta betyder att vetenskaplig kunskap och vad som anses vara den rådande sanningen byggs steg för steg.

Att bygga och konstruera vad som anses vara sanning, här och nu, är därför en långsam process. Att byta den vetenskapliga sanningen tar lång tid då dagens forskning oftast sker i samma fotspår, i samma diskurs/ synsätt och i samma kunskaps- linje som tidigare.

Att bygga ny vetenskaplig sanning och förändra i grunden kallas att genomföra ett paradigmskifte. Förändring av vetenskaplig kunskap sker en pusselbit i taget och oftast långsamt. Lind använder metaforen pussel och pusselbitar (ibid). När vi analyserar den vetenskapliga sanningen som har fått tolkningsföreträde i Sverige blir detta extra intressant. Olika definitioner av ADHD anses båda ha forskningsstöd och definitionen av ADHD motiveras med forskning som helt skiljer sig åt. Lind (2017) ger viss förklaring då han tar upp valet av vilka pusselbitar som väljs och vilka som väljs bort. Han målar även upp bilden om hur ramen i pusslet bestäms samt vilken bild som hamnar i centrum för uppmärksamheten. Forskningen har även möjlighet att bestämma hur pusselbitarna ska konstrueras och på det sätt styra hur de passar ihop med varandra (ibid). En intressant tanke som Linds resonemang väcktes hos mig var om det överhuvudtaget är rätt pussel som läggs om ADHD idag.

Jag har lagt ett pussel med fokus på att vi med ADHD inte är trasiga, vi är inte nedsatta och har ingen störning. Men vi har en unik hjärna som i en NT (neurotypisk) för liten box kan innebära extrema problem och utmaningar….  HÄR hittar du min C-uppsats om ADHD samt en hypotes som jag inte tilläts ha kvar i uppsatsen. Vi behöver förstå hur den unika ADHD-hjärnan fungerar och var den bor bäst. Av denna inriktning och insikt tillsammans med vetenskapliga kunskap är AHU ADHD COACH uppbyggd.


Lind, Rolf (2014) Vidga vetandet: en introduktion till samhällsvetenskaplig forskning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Allmänt & diverse:


Rekommenderar Energibarn 2.0 och Så funkar ADHD

Rekommenderar Fördel ADHD  (Finns billigare som pocket)

Mechanisms of Change in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Adults With ADHD

Alternativa behandlingar:

12 Weeks of Kindergarten-Based Yoga Practice Increases Visual Attention, Visual-Motor Precision and Decreases Behavior of Inattention and Hyperactivity in 5-Year-Old Children

Long-Term Efficacy of Psychosocial Treatments for Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analytic Review


The Hype Cycle of Working Memory Training

Working memory and decision making in children with ADHD: an analysis of delay discounting with the use of the dual-task paradigm

ADGRL3 wm 2021

Atypical visual scan path affects remembering in adhd

comparison of two measures of wm impairments in adolescents and adults with adhd 2016

Comparison of wm and ef in adhd addiction 2020

Consistently inconsistent wm in adhd 2022

Differences in Perceived mental effort 2017

Effects of cognitive training upon WM in adhd 2022

Effects of wm on time perception in adhd 2018

Emotion Regulation and Children with ADHD Effect of Varying Phonological WM Demands

False_Memory_in_Adults_With_ADHD_A_Compa 2014

Listening to white noise improved verbal wm in adhd 2022

Listening to white noise improved wm

Metacognitive interventions in text production and wm in adhd students 2018

Neural basis of wm in adhd 2021

Neural Correlations of Spatial Attention and WM Deficits in ADHD 2019

Perceived effort 2017

Pre attention and wm in adhd 25 year follow up 2019

Processing speed 2018

processing speed and set shifting

Speech processing difficulties in ADHD 2019

procedural memory consolidation 2017

Story Mapping Intervention to improve narrative comprehension deficits in adhd 2014

Verbal working memory and processing speed 2022


Visuospatial WM in ADHD-2014

What limits wm capacity 2016

WM Training in Post Secondary Students w ADHD pone.0137173

Working Memory and_org_skills_problems_in_adhd 2018

Working memory deficits underlie reading problems 2018

Autism och ADHD – dubbeldiagnos

Beroende/droger generellt:

Rekommenderar Skärmhjärnan.

Adolescent substance use in the multimodal treatment study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (MTA) as a function of childhood ADHD, random assignment to childhood treatments, and subsequent medication

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Other Neurocognitive Factors Contributing to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

ADHD symptoms in non-treatment seeking young adults: relationship with other forms of impulsivity

Adult ADHD Diagnosis, Symptoms of Impulsivity, and Emotional Dysregulation in a Clinical Sample of Outpatients Consulting for a Behavioral Addiction

Impulsivity as an Endophenotype in ADHD: Negative Findings

Neural circuitry and mechanisms of waiting impulsivity: relevance to addiction  

Investigating Self-Control Resource Depletion as a Situational Risk Factor
for Aversive Interpartner Communication by Young Adults With ADHD

The Effect of Ostracism and the Influence of Childhood Emotional Invalidation on Impulsivity: An EEG Study

Neuroscience of Addiction: Relevance to Prevention and Treatment

Spel och internet
Missbruk av droger generellt

How Substance Users with ADHD Perceive the Relationship between Substance Use and Emotional Functioning

Persistence and Subtype Stability of ADHD Among Substance Use Disorder Treatment Seekers

Prevalence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Populations: Meta-Analysis

Self-reported attentional and motor impulsivity are related to age at first methamphetamine use

Substance use in young adults with ADHD: Comorbidity and symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity

Substance use in young adults with ADHD: Comorbidity and symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity

Turning Points in the Lives of Youth of with/without ADHD: Are They Linked to Changes in Substance Use?


Coachning vid ADHD

ADHD coaching modalities 2019

Coaching positively influences the effects of working memory training on visual working memory as well as mathematical ability

Executive Function Coaching as a Tool for Transition to College for Students
with ADHD

Efficacy of ADHD coaching for adults with ADHD

Efficacy of an Organizational Skills Intervention for College Students With ADHD Symptomatology and Academic Difficulties


Distinguishing whether dopamine regulates liking, wanting, and/or learning about rewards

Dopamine, learning and motivation

Dopamine D4 receptor (D4DR) exon III polymorphism associated with the human personality trait of Novelty Seeking

Striatal synaptic plasticity: implications for motor learning and Parkinson’s disease

Meta-analysis shows significant association between dopamine system genes and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the dopamine D4 receptor gene

The mysterious motivational functions of mesolimbic dopamine

The mysterious motivational functions of mesolimbic dopamine

Exekutiva funktioner

Rekommenderar Why Will No One Play With Me?

Flickor med ADHD


Pathological Manifestations of Gluten-Related Neuro-Psychiatric Disorders and the Impact of Gluten-Free Diet in a Pediatric Age Group: A Systematic Review

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity triggers gut dysbiosis, neuroinflammation, gut-brain axis dysfunction, and vulnerability for dementia

Alterations of the intestinal barrier in patients with autism spectrum disorders and in their first-degree relatives.

Does cryptic gluten sensitivity play a part in neurological illness?

Small Amounts of Gluten in Subjects with Suspected Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity

The gluten-free diet: safety and nutritional quality

Gluten sensitivity: from gut to brain.


x Amygdala_Reduction_in_ADHD 2009

Genetics of ADHD 2012

Genetics of adhd what should clinician know 2020

Gray matter volume in elderly adults with adhd



ADHD and Children Who Are Gifted. ERIC Digest #522.

Intensitet och temperament

Comparison of postoperative pain in adhd kids 2015

differences in perceived mental effort required in wm tasks for adhd 2017

early and concurrent features of adhd and sor

elevations of symptoms 2016

Everyday emotional experience of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder_ evidence for reactive and endogenous emotional lability

high prevalence of self reported photophobia in adult adhd

How do adolescents with ADHD perceive and experience stress An interview study

Influence of Emotion Processing and Affect Intensity on the Engag

physiological and psychological stress response in adhd

Pupillary Light Reflex in Children with ADHD

Sensory over responsivity and adhd

Sensory overresponsivity and anxiety

Sensory processing abilities in adhd kids

Tactile discrimination praxis and cog impulsivity in adhd kids 2020

Temperament correlates in adult adhd

Temperament in adult adhd 2017

Karriär och möjligheter


Koncentration & uppmärksamhet

When attention is intact in adults with ADHD

adhd and inattentive 2020

ADHD symptoms in adult general pop associated with factors linked to adult ADHD 2019

Age related changes in distractibility developmental trajectory of sustained attention in adhd 2015

Age related changes in distractibility in adhd 2015

Associations between inattention and impulsivity re eating 2020

Attention regulation in women with adhd 2020

Attention some perspectives on its disruption in adhd

Auditory Visual Attention Performance in ADHD Children 2017

Does Anxiety Enhance or Hinder Attention and Impulse Control 1087054717707297

Does anxiety enhance or hinder attention and impulse control 2017

Effects of inattention and hyperactivity on PTSD and ADD 2015

Examining odd adhd symptom dimensions as predictors of social emotional and academic trajectories

Feed forward modeling leads to improved attention and academic performance 2016

Increasing participant motivation reduced mind wandering 2017

Kind Nature Behind Unsocial Semblance JAD-2015-Schäfer-715-27

Measure attention in adults with ADHD 2019

mind wandering inattention 2017

Sensory gating capacity and attentional function in adhd adults 2016

Sex and Menstrual Cycle Influences on Three Aspects of Attention 2017

Temporal and Reciprocal Relations Between ADHD and Emo Problems 2018

Tracking distraction relationship between mind wandering meta awareness and adhd 2014

Two dominant brain states reflect optimal and suboptimal attention 2020

When Adult ADHD Looks Something Like Flow 2016 New York magazine

When attention is intact in ADHD adults 2017


Pattern of intake of food additives associated with hyperactivity in Irish children and teenagers

Synthetic food colourings and ’hyperactivity’: a double-blind crossover study

Immune reactivity to food coloring

Nonpharmacological interventions for ADHD: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of dietary and psychological treatments 

Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial

Omega-3 supplements reduce self-reported physical aggression in healthy adults

Omega-3 fatty acid and nutrient deficits in adverse neurodevelopment and childhood behaviors

Systematic Review of the Gastrointestinal Effects of A1 Compared with A2 β-Casein

Polymorphism of bovine beta-casein and its potential effect on human health

Analysis of Slovak Spotted breed for bovine beta casein A1 variant as risk factor for human health



Abnormal_brainstem auditory response 2015

Assessing Sensory processing disorders in adhd

Deficits in auditory sensory discrimination among adhd kids 2018

Effects of multisensory stimuli on Long term associations of justice sensitivity 2017inhibition 2018

Justice and rejection sensitivity in children and adolescents with ADHD symptoms

Kind Nature Behind Unsocial Semblance JAD-2015-Schäfer-715-27

Nicholas From Active Touch to Tactile Communication

Parental or Teacher Education and Coaching to Support Sensory Processing

Perception in ADHD 2018

Peripheral Hypoarousal but Not Preparation Vigilance Impairment Endures 1087054717698813

Rejection sensitivity and intensity

Relationship between ADHD and sensory sensitivity 2018

Sensory Gating Capacity-2016-Micoulaud-Franchi-1087054716629716

Sensory modulation and negative affect 2021

Sensory over responsivity as added dimension in adhd 2019

Sensory processing abilities in adhd kids

Sensory processing disorder key points 2020

Sensory Processing Disorder SciAm Mind SeptOct 2015

Sensory processing in children and adolescence with adhd

Sensory profiles in adults with and without ADHD – Sept 2020

Somatosensory functioning and experienced pain in adhd families 2008

Superheroes of the Senses Readers Digest article


White Matter by Diffusion MRI Following Methylphenidate Treatment: A Randomized Control Trial in Males with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Anna Hallén Methylfenidat

Adolescent substance use in the multimodal treatment study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (MTA) as a function of childhood ADHD, random assignment to childhood treatments, and subsequent medication

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medications and Long-Term Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases

ADHD medication discontinuation and persistence across the lifespan: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases

Long-term stimulant treatment affects brain dopamine transporter level in patients with attention deficit hyperactive disorder

Age-dependent, lasting effects of methylphenidate on the GABAergic system of ADHD patients

ADHD medication in the longer term 2019

Motivation & uttråkning

Increasing participant motivation reduces rates of intentional and unintentional mind wandering

Bored mind is a guiding mind 2018

Boredom proneness and intenet addiction 2018

Context regulation of mind wandering in adhd 2020

Dissociative absorption mind wanding and attention deficit symptoms 2019

Does the mind wander when the brain takes a break 2019

Effects of Emotional Lability mind wandering and adhd severity

Exploring the relationship between boredom and sustained attention 2012

Mind Wandering and ADHD 2014

Mind wandering and sleepiness in adhd adults 2020

mind wandering during attention performance 2017

mind wandering in relation to adhd traits 2018

mind wandering inattention 2017

Mind Wandering Internal Distractibility in ADHD

Mind Wandering Perspective on ADHD 2018

Tracking distraction 2017


Prokrastinering och perfektionism

Irrational delay revisited 2017

Procrastination as a self reg failure 2018

Prospective Memory Partially Mediates ADHD and Procrastination 2019

Strengths based training for procrastination 2017

The power of writing about procrastination 2020

The_Relationship_Between_Cognitive_Distortions 2020


Sen mognad

Live fast, die young? A review on the developmental trajectories of ADHD across the lifespan

Influence of relative age on diagnosis and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children

Delay across lifespan 2016

Development and validation of a brain maturation index using longitudinal neuroanatomical scans 2015

Early developmental pathways to ASD and ADHD 2018

Hemispheric brain asymmetry in adhd 2018

Maturational delay and asymmetric info flow of brain connectivity 2020

neural correlates of cognitive function and symptoms in adhd adults 2018

Structural connectivity supports ADHD delay 2016

Självinsikt & självreglering 

Theory of mind and school achievement: The mediating role of social competence. Cognitive Development

Metacognitive Remediation in Adult ADHD. Treating Executive Function Deficits via Executive Functions


Self-Awareness of Executive Functioning Deficits in Adolescents With ADHD

ADHD Adults differ in implicit not explicit emotion regulation 2019

Adult ADHD and emotion dysregulation strategies 2018

Deficient emotional self reg and sleep 2021

Differentiating symptoms of adhd in preschoolers

Emotion dysregulation and adhd 2015

Emotion dysregulation in adults suffering from adhd 2019

Emotion dysregulation in adults with adhd 2020

Emotion Regulation and Children with ADHD Effect of Varying Phonological WM Demands

Emotion Regulation in Participants Diagnosed with ADHD after Emo Reg Intervention 2019

Emotional dysregulation subgroups in adhd 2019


Everyday emotional experience of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder_ evidence for reactive and endogenous emotional lability

Exam of emotion related facets of impulsivity in binge eating 2019

Examining odd adhd symptom dimensions as predictors of social emotional and academic trajectories

Listening to Mozart Improves Current Mood in Adult ADHD 2019

Role of adhd symptomatology and emo dysreg in gambling

Studying emotional intelligence and regulation skills in ADHD adults 2017

Studying motivation in adhd

using metacognitive methods to examine emotional recognition in adhd children 2018

Effect of loving kindness mediation on positive emotions 2015

Effectiveness of self distancing for children 2019

Linguistic-Shifts_A-Relatively-Effortless-Route-to-Emotion-Regulation 2019

using metacognitive methods to examine emotional recognition in adhd children 2018Decomposing self control

Self control resource depletion 2018

Dynamic Self Processes

The role of self‐compassion in the mental health of adults with ADHD 2022



Impact of sugar on the body, brain, and behavior

Sociala kompetenser

Rekommenderar Why Will No One Play With Me?

ADHD and Increased Engagement in Sexual Risk Taking Behavior ADHD and Increased Engagement in Sexual Risk Taking Behavior

ADHD Symptoms And Adult Romantic Relationships_ The Role Of Partn

Facial emotion recognition impairment predicts 2020

Friendship adhd.2019.27.6.1

Impairments of interpersonal synchrony 2021

Neurocognitive and Behavioral Predictors of Social Problems in ADHD 2018

Positive child personality factors in adhd kids 2021

Pragmatic deficits in adhd

Social Learning and Social Functioning 2013

EF & bullying 2016

Managing children with challenging behaviours Parents meaning making processes in relation to their children s ADHD diagnosis 2019

Predictors of bullying and victimisation in adhd kids 2018

Role of parental stress and knowledge of condition on bullying among adhd children 2018

Stress & hjärnan

Amygdala_Reduction_in_ADHD 2009

Styrkor – kreativitet

A bio-psycho-behavioral model of creativity 

Creativity in ADHD: Goal-Directed Motivation and Domain Specificity

’Shine bright like a diamond!’: is research on high-functioning ADHD at last entering the mainstream?

Grey Matter Leonardo da Vinci: a genius driven to distraction

Thinking “Outside the Box”: Unconstrained Creative Generation in Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


ADHD Circadian clock genes 2019

ADHD Sleep and Adolescence 2017

ADHD sleep and procedural learning 2019

ADHD Sleep Quality 2016

Adult adhd and insomnia an update 2017

Association of Inattention and sleep 2018

Deficient emotional self reg and sleep 2021

Effect of sleep quality on ToM in ADHD children 2019

Effects and clinical feasibility of a behavioral treatment for sleep problems in ADHD

Effects of Sleep Extension on Inhibitory Control

Excessive daytime sleepiness in adhd 2020

Impact_of_Sleep_Disorders_in_ADHD 2007

Effect of sleep quality on ToM in ADHD children 2019

Insomnia and sleep duration in adhd adults 2018

Insomnia sleep duration with adhd 2018

Leg movement during sleep in ADHD 2018

Moderating Effect of Motor Proficiency on ADHD Symptoms and Sleep Problems

Physical Activity Screen Time and Sleep in ADHD Children

Relationship between stressful life events sleep quality and rumination 2019

Role of sleep duration and sleep problems during childhood

Shortened sleep duration causes sleepiness inattention and oppositionality in ADHD adolescents

Sleep Disorders in Patients with ADHD 2018

Sleep habits as indicator of social competence 2019

Sleep in ADHD Children 2019


Sleepiness dental connection in adhd children 2018

Systematic review of sleep and circadian rhythms 2021

whats sleep got to do with it

Tekniska hjälpmedel

Computer Assisted learning for improving adhd EF 2020


Guidelines to assist building effective ed apps and egames for adhd 2018

Necessity of advancing knowledge of assistive tech 2017 jac-17-1693

Parents act as intermediary users for their children when using assistive technology

smart watch phone for adhd kids 2020

technology based support


Träning och motion

The positive impact of physical activity on cognition during adulthood: a review of underlying mechanisms, evidence and recommendations

How Does Exercise Improve Implicit Emotion Regulation Ability: Preliminary Evidence of Mind-Body Exercise Intervention Combined With Aerobic Jogging and Mindfulness-Based Yoga

Sweat it out? The effects of physical exercise on cognition and behavior in children and adults with ADHD: a systematic literature review

A Comparison of College Student-Athletes With ADHD

A systematic review of acute exercise for adhd 2020

Acute Effects of an Aerobic Exercise on EF and Attention in adult ADHD 2019

ADHD genetic liability and physical health outcomes 2019

ADHD in Elite Athletes-bjsports-2019-100713.full

ADHD in Sport 2019

Children with adhd engage in less physical activity

Considerations in care of adhd athletes 2017

Effect of physical exercise on gross motor skills in adhd 2011

effects of aerobic exercise on inhibition for adders 2017

Effects of physical activity exercise and sport on EF 2022

How does exercise improve emo reg 2019

Moderating Effect of Motor Proficiency on ADHD Symptoms and Sleep Problems

Physical Activity Screen Time and Sleep in ADHD Children

Positive Impact of Physical Activity on Cogntion 2011 Ratey

Sweat It Out The Effects Of Physical exercise on cognition in adhd 2017

Understanding the Effects of Physical Activity on Executive Function 2020



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